This is the third and final section of the article based on my interview with Glyn Davis, CEO of the Paul Ramsay Foundation and former Vice Chancellor of the universities of Melbourne and Griffith and a former senior public servant. Part 1 is here and part 2 is here. In this short conclusion, Glyn reflects […]
The best game in town: policy, leadership and why good ideas are never lost – Part 2
This is the second of three posts of an article I wrote based on an interview with Glyn Davis, CEO of the Paul Ramsay Foundation, former Vice Chancellor of the Universities of Melbourne and Griffith and a senior public at various stages of his career. The first is here. In this second piece, Glyn starts […]
The best game in town: policy, leadership and why good ideas are never lost – Part 1
I recently interviewed Professor Glyn Davis AC, currently CEO of the Paul Ramsay Foundation and, before that, Vice Chancellor of the Universities of Melbourne and Griffith. The interview formed part of a series I have conducted over the past 12 months of current and former public sector leaders. Others I have spoken to include Peter […]
Ask not…pianos and the immortal human spirit: reflections on democratic renewal
Now, if this spirit is of the essence of democracy, can we rightly say that we have understood or practised it. For, if man is to be adjusted to man, if we are to live together in mutual amity and justice, if we are to be dignified without being proud or overbearing, we must be […]
We have to talk about the Web
“Web Science” is probably an unfamiliar phrase for some. Obscure even. As someone once remarked, the only problem with the phrase “Web Sciences” is the word “web”, the word “science” and the way the two words are used together. Which is a bit tricky, because the conversation which those two words signify is becoming more […]
Market capitalism is broken
The book is all about market capitalism and how it’s broken. I haven’t read it, but I will. I’ll write about it later but here’s some extracts from an interview with its author, financial journalist Rana Faroohar: “I believe that the reason for that is that our system of market capitalism is broken. The capital […]