On Tuesday last week, I spent an hour with three clever and expert people talking with 100 + lawyers from around the world about the implications of the new formula which goes something like “data + digital = disruption.” [Note – the 100+ lawyers in the room I imagine were pretty smart and expert too, […]
We have to talk about the Web
“Web Science” is probably an unfamiliar phrase for some. Obscure even. As someone once remarked, the only problem with the phrase “Web Sciences” is the word “web”, the word “science” and the way the two words are used together. Which is a bit tricky, because the conversation which those two words signify is becoming more […]
Enough with the digital, already…
I recently saw a link to an interesting new study about the impact of digital technology in the retail sector. The conclusion was that the future of retail is digital. Right. And wrong. I suspect the future of retail is retail, transformed, disrupted, reinvented and turned inside out by digital in just about every way […]