This is a short addendum to the recent piece on whether or not we can expect to see a significant Covid Dividend: A Covid Dividend is the value we will reap from the reforms, changes in behaviour and other innovations which were caused, prompted or dramatically accelerated by the COVID19 pandemic that deliver sustained improvements […]
Can we declare a Covid Dividend?
One of the stories of this pandemic runs something like this. A microscopic bug released from an animal market in Wuhan has, in a matter of weeks, brought the world to its knees. As a recent edition of The Economist had it, “planet closed.” Melodrama, perhaps, and a great magazine cover, but not too far […]
The best game in town: policy, leadership and why good ideas are never lost – Part 3
This is the third and final section of the article based on my interview with Glyn Davis, CEO of the Paul Ramsay Foundation and former Vice Chancellor of the universities of Melbourne and Griffith and a former senior public servant. Part 1 is here and part 2 is here. In this short conclusion, Glyn reflects […]
The best game in town: policy, leadership and why good ideas are never lost – Part 2
This is the second of three posts of an article I wrote based on an interview with Glyn Davis, CEO of the Paul Ramsay Foundation, former Vice Chancellor of the Universities of Melbourne and Griffith and a senior public at various stages of his career. The first is here. In this second piece, Glyn starts […]
The best game in town: policy, leadership and why good ideas are never lost – Part 1
I recently interviewed Professor Glyn Davis AC, currently CEO of the Paul Ramsay Foundation and, before that, Vice Chancellor of the Universities of Melbourne and Griffith. The interview formed part of a series I have conducted over the past 12 months of current and former public sector leaders. Others I have spoken to include Peter […]
Public Purpose 2019: the quick version
Public Purpose 2019: a brief review It’s been a pretty solid year and I wanted to thank the many friends and colleagues I have had an opportunity to connect and work with, drink quite a lot of coffee (and enjoy some good food and wine occasionally) to test and grow a mutual obsession with the […]